
Details for ad system e-planning.net


Fetch Details

First Fetch2021-06-10T10:18:04+00:00
Last Fetch2024-12-06T08:55:15+00:00
Fetch StatusOk

Fetch Requests (1)

URL https://e-planning.net/sellers.json
ResultSellers.json Found.

Last Fetch

URL https://e-planning.net/sellers.json
Content Type application/json
Hash b43f7156614163e12b70b0f78427df1d14222db8c25caccc1c8175703a976aac
SimHash ac1d862cac6f

Sellers.json Details

Contact Email<support@e-planning.net>
Contact AddressTeroa S.A., Paraguay 2141, Montevideo, Uruguay

Current Sellers

Breakdown of the ad seller records from e-planning.net's sellers.json file. Sellers can represent publishers, intermediaries, or both. They may have public ownership information, or be marked as confidential.

Ownership Publisher Intermediary Both Total
Public 234 160 9 403
Confidential 0 0 0 0
Total 234 160 9 403

Missing Sellers

Sellers that were present in previously fetched versions of e-planning.net's sellers.json file, but were missing from the last successfully fetched file.

Ownership Publisher Intermediary Both Total
Public 334 137 7 478
Confidential 0 0 0 0
Total 334 137 7 478


Code Description Count
sellers_subdomain_domains Subdomain sellers[].domain field. 2
numeric_version Numeric version field. -

Seller Profiles

Sellers are profiled based on the sites (ads.txt) and app developers (app-ads.txt) that authorize them. Profiles are recalculated periodically, so may not incorporate recent changes.

Authorized Sellers

The number of current e-planning.net sellers authorized by at least one site or app developer, broken down by the declared relationship.

Resource Direct Reseller All
ads.txt 216 101 247
app-ads.txt 113 87 149

Expected Types

Comparison between the declared types of current e-planning.net sellers and their expected types, based on the relationships declared by the sites and app developers that authorize them.

Expected Type Publisher Intermediary Both
Publisher 122 35 2
Intermediary 3 25 0
Both 5 64 6

Profile Warnings

Description Count
Authorized direct by multiple owners. 174
Not authorized by any known site/app. 141
Type doesn't match expected type. 109
Domain doesn't match expected domain. 20

Authorizing Entities

The number of sites (ads.txt) and app developers (app-ads.txt) that authorize accounts from e-planning.net, broken down by the declared relationship.

Resource Direct Reseller All
ads.txt 75,919 151,796 175,683
app-ads.txt 20,587 63,286 67,837

Owned Sellers

Sellers from other ad systems that list e-planning.net as the owner domain.

Status Publisher Intermediary Both Total
Ok 6 80 6 92
Missing 2 29 3 34
Total 8 109 9 126