
Details for ad system unblockia.com


Fetch Details

First Fetch2021-07-11T01:29:59+00:00
Last Fetch2024-04-23T11:52:40+00:00
Fetch StatusOk

Fetch Requests (1)

URL https://unblockia.com/sellers.json
ResultSellers.json Found.

Last Fetch

URL https://unblockia.com/sellers.json
Redirect https://api.unblockia.com/sellers.json
Content Type application/json; charset=utf-8
Hash f32daa54ee26ff93c24fc33358247015e11510d0f692a240d6ff229e19d6bf6d
SimHash e43db27fadca

Sellers.json Details

Contact EmailTijana Vankovska<tijana@unblockia.com>
Contact AddressUnblockia SL, Córcega 329 6-2 08024, Barcelona

Current Sellers

Breakdown of the ad seller records from unblockia.com's sellers.json file. Sellers can represent publishers, intermediaries, or both. They may have public ownership information, or be marked as confidential.

Ownership Publisher Intermediary Both Total
Public 155 1 2 158
Confidential 0 0 0 0
Total 155 1 2 158

Missing Sellers

Sellers that were present in previously fetched versions of unblockia.com's sellers.json file, but were missing from the last successfully fetched file.

Ownership Publisher Intermediary Both Total
Public 41 0 0 41
Confidential 0 0 0 0
Total 41 0 0 41


Code Description Count
sellers_missing_names Missing sellers[].name field. 4
sellers_url_domains Url sellers[].domain field. 1
sellers_missing_domains Missing sellers[].domain field. 5


Code Description Count
sellers_duplicate_ids Duplicate sellers[].seller_id field. 1

Seller Profiles

Sellers are profiled based on the sites (ads.txt) and app developers (app-ads.txt) that authorize them. Profiles are recalculated periodically, so may not incorporate recent changes.

Authorized Sellers

The number of current unblockia.com sellers authorized by at least one site or app developer, broken down by the declared relationship.

Resource Direct Reseller All
ads.txt 91 4 91
app-ads.txt 20 0 20

Expected Types

Comparison between the declared types of current unblockia.com sellers and their expected types, based on the relationships declared by the sites and app developers that authorize them.

Expected Type Publisher Intermediary Both
Publisher 88 0 1
Intermediary 0 0 0
Both 2 1 1

Profile Warnings

Description Count
Not authorized by any known site/app. 65
Authorized direct by multiple owners. 56
Domain doesn't match expected domain. 16
Type doesn't match expected type. 4

Authorizing Entities

The number of sites (ads.txt) and app developers (app-ads.txt) that authorize accounts from unblockia.com, broken down by the declared relationship.

Resource Direct Reseller All
ads.txt 12,551 166 12,715
app-ads.txt 427 0 427

Owned Sellers

Sellers from other ad systems that list unblockia.com as the owner domain.

Status Publisher Intermediary Both Total
Ok 6 11 2 19
Missing 1 1 0 2
Total 7 12 2 21