Supported Resources

The following types of /.well-known/ resources are currently supported.

Authorized Digital Sellers

/ads.txt (spec)

Defined by the IAB Tech Lab, ads.txt allows sites to specify which ad system accounts are authorized to sell their ad inventory.

Authorized Digital Sellers for Apps

/app-ads.txt (spec)

Defined by the IAB Tech Lab, app-ads.txt allows app developers to specify which ad system accounts are authorized to sell their apps' ad inventory.

Apple Associated Domain

/.well-known/apple-app-site-association (spec)

An Apple specification that allows a site to define its relationship to Apple platform apps, e.g. allow links to a site to be opened in an app instead.

Digital Asset Links

/.well-known/assetlinks.json (spec)

A Google specification that allows a site to define its relationship to apps or other sites, e.g. allow links to a site to be opened in an app instead.

Global Privacy Control

/.well-known/gpc.json (spec)

The Global Privacy Control is a signal user agents can send to sites, requesting that their personal information is not sold or shared with third parties. The gpc.json resource allows sites to indicate whether they respect the Global Privacy Control signal.


/.well-known/nodeinfo (spec)

NodeInfo is a standardized way of exposing metadata about a server running one of a number of distributed social networks.

OpenID Provider Configuration

/.well-known/openid-configuration (spec)

An OpenID Provider Configuration resource includes metadata about an OpenID Connect provider, allowing clients to configure themselves to use the provider.

Robots Exclusion Standard

/robots.txt (spec)

An informal standard that allows sites to ask web crawlers to not crawl certain urls.


/.well-known/security.txt (spec)

Allows sites to communicate their security policies, e.g. how to report a vulnerability.


/.well-known/trust.txt (spec)

Allows publishers to declare connections to other publishers and associations.