Details for ad seller 11094278 on target.my.com
Seller Details
Alternate Sellers | target.vk.ru |
Status | Ok |
First Fetched | 12/22/2021, 2:30:06 AM |
Last Fetched | 3/12/2025, 12:18:18 PM |
Last Change | Modify |
Last Changed | 11/29/2023, 11:45:41 AM |
Seller Type | BOTH |
Confidential | true |
Passthrough | false |
Owner Name | - |
Owner Domain | - |
Authorizing Entities
The number of the sites (ads.txt) and app developers (app-ads.txt) that authorize target.my.com seller 11094278, broken down by the declared relationship.
Resource | Direct | Reseller | All |
ads.txt | 4 | 0 | 4 |
app-ads.txt | 87 | 0 | 87 |
Seller Profile
The profile for target.my.com seller 11094278, based on the sites and app developers that authorize it. Profiles are recalculated periodically, so may not incorporate recent changes.
Profiled | 3/6/2025, 12:17:12 PM |
Expected Type | PUBLISHER |
Expected Domain | - |
Profile Warnings
Code | Description |
multiple_owners | Authorized direct by multiple owners. |
seller_type_mismatch | Type doesn't match expected type. |
Change | Type | Confidential | Name | Domain | Extension | First Fetch | Last Fetch |
Migrate | BOTH | true | - | - | {"tagid":[1003136,1003139,968713,996110,996113,945556,996116,945559,986392,960537,986395,960540,957726,943391,976926,957729,943394,976929,976932,979876,986398,943400,943410,943415,947512,943418,947515,988218,957758,988222,957761,988225,981444,947525,943430,1012295,947528,943433,947531,943436,1012300,1012303,981456,981459,1014999,986844,986847,1014112,1015007,960612,1015013,960615,1014126,1014129,948851,979955,948854,1003131]} | - | 2023-10-30 |
Modify | BOTH | true | - | - | {"tagid":[1003136,1003139,968713,996110,996113,945556,996116,945559,960537,960540,976926,943391,976929,943394,976932,979876,943400,943410,943415,947512,943418,947515,988218,988222,988225,981444,947525,943430,1012295,947528,943433,947531,943436,1012300,1012303,981456,981459,986844,986847,960612,960615,979955,1003131]} | 2023-10-31 | 2023-11-27 |
Modify | BOTH | true | - | - | {"tagid":[1003136,988225,1003139,1012295,1012300,996110,1012303,996113,996116,988218,1003131,986844,988222,986847]} | 2023-11-28 | 2023-11-28 |
Modify | BOTH | true | - | - | - | 2023-11-29 | - |