
Details for ad seller 5311 on viralize.com

Seller Details

First Fetched2021-12-02T02:57:25+00:00
Last Fetched2024-12-21T11:43:48+00:00
Last ChangeModify
Last Changed2023-09-13T11:37:28+00:00
Seller Type BOTH
Confidential false
Passthrough false
Owner Name Conde Nast (France)
Owner Domain condenast.com
Normalised Domain condenast.com

Authorizing Entities

The number of the sites (ads.txt) and app developers (app-ads.txt) that authorize viralize.com seller 5311, broken down by the declared relationship.

Resource Direct Reseller All
ads.txt 4 8 8
app-ads.txt 5 9 9

Seller Profile

The profile for viralize.com seller 5311, based on the sites and app developers that authorize it. Profiles are recalculated periodically, so may not incorporate recent changes.

Expected Type BOTH
Expected Domain -

Profile Warnings

Code Description
multiple_owners Authorized direct by multiple owners.


Change Type Name Domain First Fetch Last Fetch
Migrate PUBLISHER Condenast France condenast.com - 2023-03-20
Modify BOTH Condenast France condenast.com 2023-03-21 2023-09-11
Modify BOTH Condé Nast (France) condenast.com 2023-09-12 2023-09-12
Modify BOTH Conde Nast (France) condenast.com 2023-09-13 -