
Apple Associated Domain data for 1800contacts.com

Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain 1800contacts.com
Base Domain 1800contacts.com
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-06-13T19:00:14+00:00
Next Scan 2024-06-27T19:00:14+00:00

Last Scan

URL https://1800contacts.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association
Domain IPs
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash aeed4a86693043ff78b162ec2383eb161f998ac56120aa870785b33117a871ce
SimHash a9bb875f5ec7

DWJZ6CZ6L6 com.1800contacts.1800contacts


Path Query Fragment Exclude Comment
* param: $web_only, pattern: true
- true Matches any URL whose path is * and which has a query item with name '$web_only' and value 'true' and instructs the system NOT to open it as a Universal link
* param: %24web_only, pattern: true
- true Matches any URL whose path is * and which has a query item with name '%24web_only' and value 'true' and instructs the system NOT to open it as a Universal link
/payPalReturn/* - - true Don't open the app if the path starts with /payPalReturn/
- param: orderToken, pattern: ?*
- true Don't open the app for urls that have a non-empty orderToken query param
* - - - Open the app for any url for the domain
/ - - - Open the app for any url with path / for the domain

Web Credentials

App ID Prefix Bundle ID
DWJZ6CZ6L6 com.1800contacts.1800contacts

App Clips

App ID Prefix Bundle ID
DWJZ6CZ6L6 com.1800contacts.1800contacts.Clip