
Apple Associated Domain data for

Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain
Base Domain
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-09-22T22:05:14+00:00
Next Scan 2024-10-06T22:05:14+00:00

Last Scan

Domain IPs,,,
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash 40327b2a7ed94d6c791d7de1821d7aee754c2f81cfc29731ae5e57ce4f6cede9
SimHash d851038dcdbc

5U8NS4GX82 com.bloombuilt.dayone-ios-debug
CN3K58ELY9 com.bloombuilt.dayone-ios
5U8NS4GX82 com.bloombuilt.dayone-mac
5U8NS4GX82 com.bloombuilt.dayone-mac-debug


Path Query Fragment Exclude Comment
/journals/* - - - A specific journal
/journals/*/* - - - A specific journal entry
/all - - - All Entries view
/all/*/* - - - A specific entry in the 'all entries' view
/settings - - - Settings
/login - - - Login
/signup - - - Create an account
/recover - - - Password reset
/redeem - - - Redeem a gift
/calendar/all - - - Calendar view
/calendar/all/day/* - - - A specific day in the calendar
/calendar/*/day/* - - - A specific day in a specific journal in the calendar
/calendar/*/* - - - A specific entry accessed from the calendar
/account - - - User's account view
/thisday - - - On This Day
/streaks - - - Streaks
/bookprinting - - - Book Printing
/newentry param: content, pattern: *
param: force_universal_link, pattern: 1
- - Allow new entries with contents if 'force_universal_link' is present
/newentry param: content, pattern: ?*
- true Disable the 'newentry' universal link on iOS if it has a 'content' parameter (with some value, Apple treats a missing query the same as a query with no value), because iOS versions 2023.19 and lower have a bug in parsing the content. Once those older versions don't have many users we can remove this rule
/newentry param: promptId, pattern: *
- - Allow new entries with a prompt
/newentry - - - Start a new entry, with optional query items for content and tags
/daily-prompt - - - Start a new entry, with the current daily prompt
/premium - - - Upgrade view
/accept-journal-invite param: token, pattern: *
* - -
/invite/accept param: inviteCode, pattern: *
- - -
/shared-journals-intro - - - Show introduction to shared journals
/ready-to-use-journals - - - Show ready to use journals
/ready-to-use-journals/* - - - Show ready to use journals with a preset
/test/login param: email, pattern: *
param: password, pattern: *
param: key, pattern: *
param: host, pattern: *
- - Allow log in with provided parameters

Web Credentials

App ID Prefix Bundle ID
5U8NS4GX82 com.bloombuilt.dayone-ios-debug
CN3K58ELY9 com.bloombuilt.dayone-ios
5U8NS4GX82 com.bloombuilt.dayone-mac
5U8NS4GX82 com.bloombuilt.dayone-mac-debug