
Apple Associated Domain data for hollandandbarrett.nl

Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain hollandandbarrett.nl
Base Domain hollandandbarrett.nl
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-09-20T04:31:32+00:00
Next Scan 2024-10-04T04:31:32+00:00

Last Scan

URL https://www.hollandandbarrett.nl/.well-known/apple-app-site-association
Domain IPs,, 2600:1413:b000:1b::17d7:707, 2600:1413:b000:1b::17d7:71f
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash 9930e65e6032da2e1a21fdc83f2abb7ab1216458cd561d3fb2de608bf9ec52ec
SimHash 1451474fbe84

N5RSW35L2Z com.nbty.hnb


Path Query Fragment Exclude Comment
- - no_universal_links true Flag to disable universal linking
/shop/health-wellness/* - - true Exclude health-wellness paths and go to the web instead
/shop/advent-calendars/* - - true Exclude advent-calendars paths and go to the web instead
/shop/health-wellness/menopause/* - - true Exclude menopause paths and go to the web instead
/ - - - Matches the home page
/shop/* - - - Matches any browse related paths e.g. PLP, SRP, PDP etc
/info/subscribeandsave - - - Subscribe and save landing page
/info/rewards-for-life-offers - - - Rewards for life offers landing page
/info/spin-to-reveal - - - Matches the spin the wheel campaign page
/stores/* - - - Matches the store locator page
/the-health-hub/* - - - Matches the Health Hub Articles
/christmas - - - Matches the Christmas landing page
/wellness-hubs/joints-bones-muscles - - - Matches the Joints Bones Muscles landing page
/my-account/offers - - - Matches the account offers page
/wellness-hubs/sports-fitness - - - Matches the sports fitness wellness hub
/wellness-hubs/womens-hormone-health - - - Matches the women's health wellness hub
/wellness-hubs/womens-hormone-health/menopause - - - Matches the menopause hub
/wellness-hubs/womens-hormone-health/menstrual-health - - - Matches the menstrual health hub
/info/support - - - Matches the cqa page
/info/womens-health-support - - - Matches the women's cqa page
/info/our-services - - - Matches the Our Services page
/info/veiligheidswaarschuwing - - - Matches the Recall NL page
/l/adventskalender - - - Matches the Advent Calendar Page

Web Credentials

App ID Prefix Bundle ID
N5RSW35L2Z com.nbty.hnb