
Apple Associated Domain data for ourlittlejoys.com

Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain ourlittlejoys.com
Base Domain ourlittlejoys.com
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-06-03T12:14:49+00:00
Next Scan 2024-06-17T12:14:49+00:00

Last Scan

URL https://ourlittlejoys.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association
Domain IPs,,,
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash 60e8b6603fee745e01b04c2efa4e1b0a283268ee7779f76444b18f628c826897
SimHash 2d35852aff6c

TD6X9LC9QQ com.mosaicwellness.ourlittlejoys


Path Query Fragment Comment
/checkout-v2 - - Matches path that is exact match with /checkout-v2.
/cart - - Matches path that is exact match with /cart.
/product/* - - Matches any URL with a path that starts with /product/*.
/dp/* - - Matches any URL with a path that starts with /dp/*.
/schedule-appointment - - Matches path that is exact match with /schedule-appointment.
/orderdetails/* - - Matches any URL with a path that starts with /orderdetails/*.
/my-profile/my-orders - - Matches path that is exact match with /my-profile/my-orders.
/my-profile/wallet - - Matches path that is exact match with /my-profile/wallet.
/all-products - - Matches path that is exact match with /all-products.
/collabcard/* - - Matches any URL with a path that starts with /collabcard/*.
/consult - - Matches path that is exact match with /consult.
/search - - Matches path that is exact match with /search.
/upload-image - - Matches path that is exact match with /upload-image.
/rx-cart - - Matches path that is exact match with /rx-cart.
/reschedule/* - - Matches path that is exact match with /reschedule.
/wellness-assessment-report/* - - Matches any URL with a path that starts with /wellness-assessment-report/*.
/form-cart/* - - Matches any URL with a path that starts with /form-cart/*.