
Apple Associated Domain data for

Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain
Base Domain
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-10-25T13:34:45+00:00
Next Scan 2024-11-01T13:34:45+00:00

Last Scan

Domain IPs
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash fe5d07abbb52a716e0927689cc94afc01b206ac21e6df6d8c9b6bb0b5923d0eb
SimHash 0d4e867d4f83

D3J32V78ZK com.alturos.adadev
D3J32V78ZK com.alturos.ada
29NTPDB7VU app.alturos.and
D3J32V78ZK app.alturos.jbm
NB9J93K35U com.alturos.ada.zib
D3J32V78ZK com.alturos.ada.ala
L3VNDL4G35 com.alturos.ada
SCL3CKXC2Q app.alturos.and
L3VNDL4G35 app.alturos.jbm
9XRWS2C8W2 com.alturos.ada.zib
L3VNDL4G35 com.alturos.ada.ala
5HP979AP76 com.alturos.ada
5HP979AP76 app.alturos.and
5HP979AP76 app.alturos.jbm
5HP979AP76 com.alturos.ada.zib
5HP979AP76 com.alturos.ada.ala
D3J32V78ZK cc.skiline.basic
2V7D43YC3F cc.skiline.basic
2DXCVMDAB3 app.alturos.leo


Path Query Fragment Comment
*/tickets/* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */tickets/
*/guestcard* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */guestcard
*/codes/* param: code, pattern: *
- Matches any URL whose path starts with */codes/ and which has a query item with name 'code' and a value
*/stories/* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */stories/
*/stories* param: id, pattern: *
- Matches any URL whose path starts with */stories and which has a query item with name 'id' and a value
*/stories* param: categoryId, pattern: *
- Matches any URL whose path starts with */stories and which has a query item with name 'categoryId' and a value
*/stories/liked* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */stories/liked
*/pages/* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */pages/
*/pages* param: id, pattern: *
- Matches any URL whose path starts with */pages and which has a query item with name 'id' and a value
*/interests/select* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */interests/select
*/interests/saved* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */interests/saved
*/galleries* param: id, pattern: *
- Matches any URL whose path starts with */galleries and which has a query item with name 'id' and a value
*/journey* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */journey
*/discover* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */discover
*/wallet* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */wallet
*/mymoments* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */mymoments
*/my-moments* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */my-moments
*/account* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */account
*/system-settings* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */system-settings
*/weather* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */weather
*/webcam/* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */webcam/
*/webcam* param: id, pattern: *
- Matches any URL whose path starts with */webcam and which has a query item with name 'id' and a value
*/webcams* param: id, pattern: *
- Matches any URL whose path starts with */webcams and which has a query item with name 'id' and a value
*/products/* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */products/
*/sos - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */sos
*/map/* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */map/
*/serviceproviders/* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */serviceproviders/
*/tours/* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */tours/
*/screens/account* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */screens/account
*/screens/journey* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */screens/journey
*/screens/wallet* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */screens/wallet
*/screens/weather* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */screens/weather
*/screens/mymoments* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */screens/mymoments
*/screens/my-moments* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */screens/my-moments
*/debugmenu - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */debugmenu
*/gamification/adventures* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */gamification/adventures
*/gamification/activities* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */gamification/activities
*/gamification/awards* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */gamification/awards
*/friends/add* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */friends/add
*/skipasses/add* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */skipasses/add
*/alltime* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */alltime
*/skipasses/buy* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */skipasses/buy
*/skipasses/manage* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */skipasses/manage
*/competitions* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */competitions
*/competition* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */competition
*/feeds* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */feeds
*/login* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */login
*/settings* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */settings
*/skiingdays* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */skiingdays
*/myprofile* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */myprofile
*/apprating* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */apprating
*/explainers* - - Matches any URL whose path starts with */explainers