
Apple Associated Domain data for unimarc.cl

Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain unimarc.cl
Base Domain unimarc.cl
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-11-05T15:11:00+00:00
Next Scan 2024-11-19T15:11:00+00:00

Last Scan

URL https://www.unimarc.cl/.well-known/apple-app-site-association
Domain IPs,
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash 54f375d145080cfdcdefd2c5316f45e410d4ba7296ad942259da906c7725a422
SimHash ba65953973d2

9C7AV6HA8U cl.smu.unimarcapp


Path Query Fragment Comment
/ - - Matches frontpage URL
/category/* - - Matches any URL with category
/locales-y-horarios - - Matches the URL that goes to shops and schedules section
/club-unimarc - - Matches the URL that goes to the savings club section
/cupones - - Matches the URL that goes to coupons section
/cupones/* param: refid, pattern: ?*
- Matches any URL that starts with /coupon and has a query refid
/club-unimarc/cupones - - Matches the URL that goes to coupons section
/club-unimarc/cupones/* param: refid, pattern: ?*
- Matches any URL that starts with /club-ahorro/coupon and has a query refid
/club-unimarc/beneficios - - Matches the URL that goes to the benefits/alliances section
/club-unimarc/beneficios/* param: category, pattern: ?*
- Matches any URL that starts with /beneficios and has a category query
/product/* - - Matches any URL that starts with /products and goes to PDP
/ofertas/* - - Matches any URL that starts with /ofertas and goes to collection
/search/* - - Matches any URL that starts with /search and goes to search
/Membership - - Matches any URL that starts with /Membership

Web Credentials

App ID Prefix Bundle ID
9C7AV6HA8U cl.smu.unimarcapp