
Robots Exclusion Standard data for kdramaost.com

Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain kdramaost.com
Base Domain kdramaost.com
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-09-28T17:19:29+00:00
Next Scan 2024-10-05T17:19:29+00:00

Last Scan

URL https://kdramaost.com/robots.txt
Domain IPs
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash 22989021d6137309322c4d7702cb8222ac646017804c2fea93896823227e7663
SimHash e20d0f5bc7f4



Rule Path
Disallow /administrator/
Disallow /bin/
Disallow /cache/
Disallow /component/
Disallow /en/component/search/
Disallow /component/search/
Disallow /albomy/
Disallow /treki-ost/
Disallow /treki-ost
Disallow /albomy
Disallow /*index*
Disallow /*?*
Disallow /*search?*
Disallow /*php?*
Disallow /*?tp=1*
Disallow /component/k2/
Disallow /*limit%3D*
Disallow /links1/
Disallow /ru/
Disallow /albums/
Disallow /soundtracks/
Disallow /en/albums/
Disallow /en/soundtracks/
Allow /images/
Allow /sitemap.xml
Allow /sitemap1.xml
Allow /sitemap2.xml
Allow /sitemap3.xml
Allow /sitemap4.xml
Allow /sitemap5.xml
Allow /sitemap6.xml
Allow /plugins/system/gdpr/assets/js/cookieconsent.min.js
Allow /plugins/system/gdpr/assets/js/init.js
Allow /plugins/system/gdpr/assets/js/jquery.fancybox.min.js
Disallow /includes/
Disallow /installation/
Disallow /language/
Disallow /layouts/
Disallow /libraries/
Disallow /logs/
Disallow /tmp/


Rule Path
Disallow /administrator/
Disallow /bin/
Disallow /cache/
Disallow /component/
Disallow /en/component/search/
Disallow /component/search/
Disallow /albomy/
Disallow /treki-ost/
Disallow /treki-ost
Disallow /albomy
Disallow /*index*
Disallow /*php?*
Disallow /*search?*
Disallow /*?*
Disallow /*?tp=1*
Disallow /component/k2/
Disallow /*limit%3D*
Disallow /links1/
Disallow /ru/
Disallow /albums/
Disallow /soundtracks/
Disallow /en/albums/
Disallow /en/soundtracks/
Allow /images/
Allow /?option=com_ajax&plugin=flyandexturbo
Allow /sitemap.xml
Allow /sitemap1.xml
Allow /sitemap2.xml
Allow /sitemap3.xml
Allow /sitemap4.xml
Allow /sitemap5.xml
Allow /sitemap6.xml
Allow /plugins/system/gdpr/assets/js/cookieconsent.min.js
Allow /plugins/system/gdpr/assets/js/init.js
Allow /plugins/system/gdpr/assets/js/jquery.fancybox.min.js
Disallow /includes/
Disallow /installation/
Disallow /language/
Disallow /layouts/
Disallow /libraries/
Disallow /logs/
Disallow /tmp/


Rule Path
Allow /*.js*
Allow /*.css*
Allow /*.png*
Allow /*.jpg*
Allow /*.webp*
Allow /*.gif*
Allow *.css
Allow *.js
Disallow /administrator/
Disallow /bin/
Disallow /cache/
Disallow /component/
Disallow /en/component/search/
Disallow /component/search/
Disallow /albomy/
Disallow /treki-ost/
Disallow /component/k2/
Disallow /en/component/k2/
Disallow /treki-ost
Disallow /albomy
Disallow /*index*
Disallow /*search?*
Disallow /*?*
Disallow /*php?*
Disallow /*?tp=1*
Disallow /component/k2/
Disallow /*limit%3D*
Disallow /links1/
Disallow /ru/
Disallow /albums/
Disallow /soundtracks/
Disallow /en/albums/
Disallow /en/soundtracks/
Disallow /doramy/content/9-ost
Disallow /en/doramas/content/9-ost
Allow /images/
Allow /sitemap.xml
Allow /sitemap1.xml
Allow /sitemap2.xml
Allow /sitemap3.xml
Allow /sitemap4.xml
Allow /sitemap5.xml
Allow /sitemap6.xml
Allow /plugins/system/gdpr/assets/js/cookieconsent.min.js
Allow /plugins/system/gdpr/assets/js/init.js
Allow /plugins/system/gdpr/assets/js/jquery.fancybox.min.js
Disallow /includes/
Disallow /installation/
Disallow /language/
Disallow /layouts/
Disallow /libraries/
Disallow /logs/
Disallow /tmp/

Other Records

Field Value
sitemap http://cdn.attracta.com/sitemap/6108439.xml.gz


  • If the Joomla site is installed within a folder
  • eg www.example.com/joomla/ then the robots.txt file
  • MUST be moved to the site root
  • eg www.example.com/robots.txt
  • AND the joomla folder name MUST be prefixed to all of the
  • paths.
  • eg the Disallow rule for the /administrator/ folder MUST
  • be changed to read
  • Disallow: /joomla/administrator/
  • For more information about the robots.txt standard, see:
  • http://www.robotstxt.org/orig.html
  • For syntax checking, see:
  • http://tool.motoricerca.info/robots-checker.phtml
  • Begin Attracta SEO Tools Sitemap. Do not remove
  • End Attracta SEO Tools Sitemap. Do not remove


  • `host` is not a known field.