
Robots Exclusion Standard data for tifaware.com

Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain tifaware.com
Base Domain tifaware.com
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-07-01T14:54:32+00:00
Next Scan 2024-07-15T14:54:32+00:00

Last Scan

URL https://tifaware.com/robots.txt
Domain IPs 2001:4b98:dc0:41:216:3eff:fef0:ddd2,
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash c2b2f4e8a80d669d3ce2886ff53c2c7b459a10fe758519b4517c105948d832a6
SimHash 731a89428976



Rule Path
Disallow /administrate
Disallow /cgi-bin
Disallow /hidden
Disallow /icons
Disallow /nogo
Disallow /zips
Disallow /~theall/bookmarks
Disallow /~theall/wedding


Rule Path
Disallow /cgi-bin
Disallow /hidden
Disallow /icons
Disallow /nogo
Disallow /zips
Disallow /~theall/bookmarks
Disallow /~theall/wedding


Rule Path
Disallow /cgi-bin
Disallow /hidden
Disallow /icons
Disallow /nogo
Disallow /zips
Disallow /~theall/bookmarks
Disallow /~theall/wedding


Rule Path
Disallow /cgi-bin
Disallow /hidden
Disallow /icons
Disallow /nogo
Disallow /zips
Disallow /~theall/bookmarks
Disallow /~theall/wedding


Rule Path
Disallow /cgi-bin
Disallow /hidden
Disallow /icons
Disallow /nogo
Disallow /zips
Disallow /~theall/bookmarks
Disallow /~theall/wedding


Rule Path
Disallow /cgi-bin
Disallow /hidden
Disallow /icons
Disallow /nogo
Disallow /zips
Disallow /~theall/bookmarks
Disallow /~theall/wedding


Rule Path
Disallow /cgi-bin
Disallow /hidden
Disallow /icons
Disallow /nogo
Disallow /zips
Disallow /~theall/bookmarks
Disallow /~theall/wedding


Rule Path
Disallow /cgi-bin
Disallow /hidden
Disallow /icons
Disallow /nogo
Disallow /zips
Disallow /~theall/bookmarks
Disallow /~theall/wedding


Rule Path
Disallow /
Disallow /nogo


  • See <http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/exclusion.html#robotstxt> for
  • detailed info on excluding robots from a site.
  • See <http://www.searchengineworld.com/cgi-bin/robotcheck.cgi> for
  • a way to validate the contents of this file.
  • updated: 2023-06-03, George A. Theall
  • Selected search engine 'bots get pretty much free reign.
  • nb:
  • appie => Walhello, http://www.walhello.com/
  • AspiegelBot => Huawei search engine
  • Barkrowler => Babbar.Tech / Exensa, https://babbar.tech/crawler
  • bingbot => Bing, http://www.bing.com/
  • boitho.com-dc => Boitho, http://www.boitho.com/, Norwegian search engine
  • Clarabot => http://www.clarabot.info/bots (domain not found) and https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarabot, Hungarian search engine
  • DataForSeoBot, https://dataforseo.com/dataforseo-bot, build / maintain database of backlinks.
  • fast => Fastsearch (used by alltheweb.com)
  • gaisbot => Gais, http://gais.cs.ccu.edu.tw/, Taiwanese search engine
  • GalaxyBot => Galaxy, http://www.galaxy.com/
  • Gigabot => Gigablast, https://www.gigablast.com/
  • Googlebot => Google
  • Gowikibot => Gowiki, https://www.gowiki.com/
  • Linespider => https://help2.line.me/linesearchbot/web/?contentId=50006055&lang=en, Japanese search engine.
  • Linguee Bot => Linguee, https://www.linguee.com/bot, a multilingual text search engine.
  • Mercator + Scooter => AltaVista
  • Mj12bot => Majestic-12, http://www.majestic12.co.uk/projects/dsearch/mj12bot.php, a distributed search engine.
  • mogimogi => http://www.goo.ne.jp/, Japanese search engine.
  • MojeekBot => https://www.mojeek.com/bot.html
  • mozDex => http://www.mozdex.com/, an open source search engine
  • msnbot => MSN Search.
  • NG => Exalead, http://www.exalead.com/, French search engine
  • Nutch => http://www.nutch.org/, open-source search engine
  • oBot => https://www.xforce-security.com/crawler/, Content Security Division of IBM Germany Research & Development
  • Pompos => dir.com, http://dir.com, French search engine
  • QuepasaCreep => quepasa.com, Latin American portal / search engine
  • SafeDNSBot => Safe DNS, https://www.safedns.com/en/searchbot/
  • SeekportBot => https://bot.seekport.com/, Seekport search
  • SeznamBot => https://napoveda.seznam.cz/en/seznamcz-web-search/, Czech search engine
  • Slurp => Inktomi (includes MSN Search and HotBot)
  • VIAS => http://vias.ncsa.uiuc.edu/viasarchivinginformation.html
  • VoilaBot => http://www.voila.com (French search engine)
  • vuhuvBot => http://vuhuv.com/bot.html (Turkish search engine)
  • WellKnownBot => https://well-known.dev/, scans for selected .well-known resources.
  • yacybot => https://yacy.net/bot.html (Decentralized web search)
  • YandexBot => https://yandex.com/support/webmaster/robot-workings/robot.html, Yandex search
  • Yeti => http://naver.me/spd (NAVER search engine)
  • ZaldamoSearchBot => https://www.zaldamo.com/search.html
  • Zao => Kototai, http://www.kototai.org/, Japanese search engine research project
  • Zeno => Internet Archive (even though it doesn't support robots.txt)
  • ZyBorg => WiseNut, http://www.wisenut.com/, and Looksmart
  • NB: starting in January 2005, looksmart's seems to have switched from
  • WiseNut to grub for its crawler. The later doesn't bother
  • requesting robots.txt and doesn't seem to understand response
  • codes of 403. So should WiseNut ever come back, screw 'em.
  • User-agent: Zyborg
  • Other 'bots that I'm ok with.
  • o Applebot (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204683)
  • nb: while it retrieves robots.txt, it has not respected rules in that,
  • at least when it was not explicitly listed in the file.
  • o CCBot, https://commoncrawl.org/big-picture/frequently-asked-questions/
  • o IBM Almaden Research Center.
  • o IDG/EU => http://spaziodati.eu/, a European company building a knowledge graph.
  • o The Internet Archive, http://www.archive.org/.
  • o LinkWalker, http://www.seventwentyfour.com/, for checking links.
  • o research project from Kitsuregawa Laboratory, The University of Tokyo.
  • All robots are excluded by default. Please direct requests to
  • allow access to webmaster@tifaware.com.
  • 'bots I know about but don't want to bother with
  • o 3w24bot, https://3w24.com/addYourSite
  • Appears to be for a search engine, although the main
  • page on the server only talks about the crawler itself.
  • o Adsbot, https://seostar.co/robot/
  • "Seostar collects link data from the web and shares it with
  • thousands of digital marketers." I'll pass.
  • o AhrefsBot, https://ahrefs.com/robot/
  • Quoting from the description of their bot, "Link data
  • collected by Ahrefs Bot from the web is used by
  • thousands of digital marketers around the world to plan,
  • execute, and monitor their online marketing campaigns."
  • Count me out.
  • o arquivo-web-crawler, http://arquivo.pt
  • Similar to the Internet Archive, although focused on
  • the Portuguese web. Although it more or less respects
  • robots.txt, I don't think the sites I host fit the
  • bot's coverage area.
  • o BLEXBot, http://webmeup-crawler.com/
  • "BLEXBot assists internet marketers to get information
  • on the link structure of sites and their interlinking
  • on the web, to avoid any technical and possible legal
  • issues and improve overall online experience." Count me
  • out.
  • o BuiltWith (aka BW), https://builtwith.com/biup (bit.ly/2W6Px8S)
  • Tracks technology used by web sites.
  • o CheckMarkNetwork, http://www.checkmarknetwork.com/spider.html/
  • Used by CheckMark, which describes itself as [offering]
  • "Complete Brand Protection".
  • o DF Bot
  • I have not yet found any info about it.
  • o DomainStatsBot, https://domainstats.com/pages/our-bot
  • Used for marketing SEO services.
  • o DomCopBot, https://www.domcop.com/bot
  • Used by DomCop, an expired domain search tool.
  • o DotBot, http://www.opensiteexplorer.org/dotbot
  • I would be ok with this if it wouldn't seemingly invent
  • URLs on my site that don't exist; eg,
  • /perl/describe-openvas-plugins and /perl/update-openvas-plugins
  • o evc-batch
  • Operated by eVenture Capital Partners and reportedly
  • scans for ads.txt (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ads.txt).
  • I have no interest in supporting advertising here.
  • o filibot, https://filibot.com/
  • Used to analyze "SEO signals" of a site.
  • o Girafabot
  • Used by girafa.com to visualize search results. I'd be ok
  • with this if only they'd respect robots.txt.
  • o grub-client, http://grub.org/html/documents.php?op=robots-faq
  • Distributed crawler for the grub search engine. I'd be ok
  • with this if only they'd respect robots.txt.
  • o IonCrawl, https://www.ionos.de/terms-gtc/faq-crawler-en/
  • Although it seems to respect restrictions in robots.txt,
  • it's purpose ("improve and expand our [Ionos'] world-class
  • hosting services") isn't one that interests me.
  • o ips-agent
  • Reportedly operated by Verisign for periodic reports for
  • expiring domains and their associated web traffic.
  • o The Knowledge AI
  • While it seems to respect restrictions in robots.txt,
  • I haven't turned up any authoritative info about it,
  • and what info there is suggests it doesn't support
  • https (eg, https://www.webmasterworld.com/search_engine_spiders/4983886.htm).
  • o lachesis, ftp://ftp.imag.fr/pub/labo-LSR/DRAKKAR/internet-performance/lachesis/
  • Supposedly an Intel tool for measuring ISP latency, although
  • after examining it I think it's mis-identified.
  • o larbin, http://larbin.sourceforge.net/index-eng.html
  • Multi-purpose web crawler.
  • o MauiBot
  • While it seems to respect restrictions in robots.txt,
  • I haven't turned up any authoritative info about it,
  • such as what it's for.
  • o Mb2345Browser
  • Browser used by Chinese web directory 2345.com according to
  • <http://john.cuppi.net/blocking-aggressive-chinese-mobile-browser-bots/>.
  • It seems to respect robots.txt, at least from what I've observed here.
  • o MixnodeCache, https://www.mixnode.com/
  • Used to scan web and make results in a database. I'd be happy
  • to support this if it were available to some extent at no cost.
  • o Mozilla/4.0 (efp@gmx.net)
  • Spammer tool to scrape email addresses.
  • o MTRobot, https://metrics-tools.de/robot.html
  • Used for SEO analysis.
  • o netEstate NE Crawler, http://www.website-datenbank.de/
  • Some sites consider this crawler malicious and badly-behaved
  • so for now it's blocked.
  • o NetpeakCheckerBot, https://netpeaksoftware.com/checker
  • Yet another bot used by marketing.
  • o NPBot, http://www.nameprotect.com/botinfo.html
  • Used by NameProtect to scan for brand / IP violations.
  • o PagePeeker, https://pagepeeker.com/robots/
  • Used for a "website thumbnailing service", whatever that means.
  • o PageThing.com, https://www.specialnoise.com/about/labs/pagething/
  • Seems to respect robots.txt, but the specialnoise.com page
  • doesn't really explain its purpose.
  • o Pandalytics/1.0, https://domainsbot.com/pandalytics/
  • While it seems to respect restrictions in robots.txt,
  • it is operated by a company that studies the market
  • for domain names, which I have no interest in
  • supporting.
  • o PetalBot, https://aspiegel.com/petalbot, Huawei search engine
  • I would be ok with this if it wouldn't seemingly invent
  • URLs on my site that don't exist; eg,
  • /perl/describe-openvas-plugins and /perl/update-openvas-plugins
  • o Prlog, https://prlog.ru/
  • Seems to be operated by a Russian SEO company for analysing sites.
  • o Psbot, http://www.picsearch.com/bot.html
  • Used by Picsearch to index pictures. I don't really have any
  • pictures here that I want indexed.
  • o Screaming Frog SEO Spider, https://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider/
  • Free / commercial software for crawling a site, primarily for SEO.
  • Seems to respect robots.txt, albeit with requests for the top-level
  • root document.
  • o Seekport Crawler, http://seekport.com/
  • Maintained by SISTRIX, which focuses on digital marketing.
  • o SemrushBot*, https://www.semrush.com/bot/
  • Used by SEMrush primarily for marketing.
  • o serpstatbot, https://serpstatbot.com/
  • Used by Serpstat for "planning and monitoring marketing campaigns."
  • It claims to respect robots.txt and, so far from what I've seen,
  • does.
  • o tchelebi, https://tchelebi.io/
  • Used by Black Kite (former NormShield) to perform Internet-wide
  • scanning. While it does not request robots.txt, it claims to
  • be non-intrusive and has so far only requested top-level pages
  • here.
  • o Teoma
  • Used by AskJeeves search engine. I'd be ok with it if only
  • it would respect exclusions in robots.txt.
  • o TurnitinBot, http://www.turnitin.com/robot/crawlerinfo.html
  • Used by Turnitin.com to prevent plagarism.
  • o Vagabondo, https://www.wise-guys.nl/
  • Requests robots.txt but does not respect exclusions in that.
  • o webtechbot, https://www.webtechsurvey.com/bot
  • "Collects web technology information detected on the websites."
  • o ZoominfoBot, https://www.zoominfo.com/
  • Used for B2B marketing.