
Robots Exclusion Standard data for weblxx.info

Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain weblxx.info
Base Domain weblxx.info
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-09-24T17:25:57+00:00
Next Scan 2024-10-01T17:25:57+00:00

Last Scan

URL http://weblxx.info/robots.txt
Domain IPs
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash 80ea2ee556bbb1dc6ab3317eaa1e597ece06688e8e6698196c668ca95e5c6907
SimHash a34c951903fc



Rule Path
Disallow /administrator/
Disallow /bin/
Disallow /cache/
Disallow /cli/
Disallow /components/
Disallow /includes/
Disallow /installation/
Disallow /language/
Disallow /layouts/
Disallow /libraries/
Disallow /logs/
Disallow /media/
Disallow /modules/
Disallow /plugins/
Disallow /tmp/
Disallow /templates/beez3/
Disallow /templates/protostar/
Disallow /templates/system/


Rule Path
Allow .js
Allow .css


  • If the Joomla site is installed within a folder such as at
  • e.g. www.example.com/joomla/ the robots.txt file MUST be
  • moved to the site root at e.g. www.example.com/robots.txt
  • AND the joomla folder name MUST be prefixed to the disallowed
  • path, e.g. the Disallow rule for the /administrator/ folder
  • MUST be changed to read Disallow: /joomla/administrator/
  • For more information about the robots.txt standard, see:
  • http://www.robotstxt.org/orig.html
  • For syntax checking, see:
  • http://tool.motoricerca.info/robots-checker.phtml
  • ursprünglich Disallow: /templates/ am 25.Mar2015 geändert wegen Google
  • Zugriff auf Template Verzeichnis der Seite jetzt erlaubt, Rest gesperrt
  • Nach Warung, dass Google js und css nicht lesen kann - 09 Sept 2015
  • Nutzen scheint mir fragwürdig