
Robots Exclusion Standard data for wehateporn.com

Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain wehateporn.com
Base Domain wehateporn.com
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-06-24T02:31:43+00:00
Next Scan 2024-07-24T02:31:43+00:00

Last Scan

URL https://wehateporn.com/robots.txt
Redirect https://www.wehateporn.com/robots.txt
Redirect Domain www.wehateporn.com
Redirect Base wehateporn.com
Domain IPs
Redirect IPs
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash 8048da6a0c69b8bf79eb0ca74ee60d004bec6c9c202a9ac135fb3f461b2fcec1
SimHash bc5ab13f60be


grub-client disallow: /
npbot disallow: /
seokicks-robot disallow: /
wget disallow: /
speedy disallow: /
sogou web spider disallow: /
ezooms disallow: /
magpie-crawler disallow: /
yandeximages disallow: /
mj12bot disallow: /
yodaobot disallow: /
nerdbynature.bot disallow: /
discobot disallow: /
knowaboutbot disallow:/
unwindfetchor disallow: /
sitecheck.internetseer.com disallow: /
zealbot disallow: /
msiecrawler disallow: /
webreaper disallow: /
sitesnagger disallow: /
webstripper disallow: /
webcopier disallow: /
fetch disallow: /
offline explorer disallow: /
teleport disallow: /
teleportpro disallow: /
webzip disallow: /
linko disallow: /
httrack disallow: /
microsoft.url.control disallow: /
xenu disallow: /
larbin disallow: /
libwww disallow: /
zyborg disallow: /
download ninja disallow: /

No rules defined. All paths allowed.


  • The grub distributed search engine behaves very badly.
  • They totally overwhelm servers with traffic.
  • http://www.nameprotect.com/botinfo.html
  • Proprietary German backlinks service.
  • wget run recusively just *wrecks* server capacity.
  • This spider's output isn't public.
  • Entireweb
  • Foreign-language bot
  • Poorly behaved bot
  • Brandwatch
  • Russian image search engine
  • Magestic-12
  • Yoydao
  • NerdByNature.Net
  • Discovery Engine
  • No idea.
  • Gnip
  • These bots are designed to duplicate entire sites.


  • 1 invalid line.