
/.well-known/ resources for epmci974.com

Site Scan

Site Details

Site Domain epmci974.com
Base Domain epmci974.com
Last Scan2024-05-22T18:22:44+00:00
Next Scan 2024-08-20T18:22:44+00:00

Found Resources

Resource Found At Scan Status
robots.txt 2022-04-01T17:44:59+00:00 Failed

Authorized Digital Sellers

Resource Details

Resource ads.txt
Failure StageChecking robots.txt.
Failure ReasonCouldn't connect to server.
Archive Check Archive

Scan Requests (4)

URL https://epmci974.com/ads.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL https://www.epmci974.com/ads.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://epmci974.com/ads.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://www.epmci974.com/ads.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.

Last Successful Scan

URL http://epmci974.com/ads.txt
Redirect https://www.epmci974.re/ads.txt
Redirect Domain www.epmci974.re
Redirect Base epmci974.re
Response IP
Not Found ReasonRequest was redirected more than one hop from the original domain.

Authorized Digital Sellers for Apps

Resource Details

Resource app-ads.txt
Failure StageChecking robots.txt.
Failure ReasonCouldn't connect to server.
Archive Check Archive

Scan Requests (4)

URL https://epmci974.com/app-ads.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL https://www.epmci974.com/app-ads.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://epmci974.com/app-ads.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://www.epmci974.com/app-ads.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.

Last Successful Scan

URL http://epmci974.com/app-ads.txt
Redirect https://www.epmci974.re/app-ads.txt
Redirect Domain www.epmci974.re
Redirect Base epmci974.re
Response IP
Not Found ReasonRequest was redirected more than one hop from the original domain.

Apple Associated Domain

Resource Details

Resource apple-app-site-association
Failure StageChecking robots.txt.
Failure ReasonCouldn't connect to server.
Archive Check Archive

Scan Requests (2)

URL https://epmci974.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL https://www.epmci974.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.

Resource Details

Resource assetlinks.json
Failure StageChecking robots.txt.
Failure ReasonCouldn't connect to server.
Archive Check Archive

Scan Requests (4)

URL https://epmci974.com/.well-known/assetlinks.json
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL https://www.epmci974.com/.well-known/assetlinks.json
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://epmci974.com/.well-known/assetlinks.json
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://www.epmci974.com/.well-known/assetlinks.json
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.

Last Successful Scan

URL http://epmci974.com/.well-known/assetlinks.json
Redirect https://www.epmci974.re/.well-known/assetlinks.json
Redirect Domain www.epmci974.re
Redirect Base epmci974.re
Response IP
Not Found ReasonRequest was redirected to another domain.

Global Privacy Control

Resource Details

Resource gpc.json
Failure StageChecking robots.txt.
Failure ReasonCouldn't connect to server.
Archive Check Archive

Scan Requests (4)

URL https://epmci974.com/.well-known/gpc.json
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL https://www.epmci974.com/.well-known/gpc.json
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://epmci974.com/.well-known/gpc.json
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://www.epmci974.com/.well-known/gpc.json
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.

Last Successful Scan

URL http://epmci974.com/.well-known/gpc.json
Redirect https://www.epmci974.re/.well-known/gpc.json
Redirect Domain www.epmci974.re
Redirect Base epmci974.re
Response IP
Not Found ReasonResource doesn't exist.


Resource Details

Resource nodeinfo
Failure StageChecking robots.txt.
Failure ReasonCouldn't connect to server.
Archive Check Archive

Scan Requests (4)

URL https://epmci974.com/.well-known/nodeinfo
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL https://www.epmci974.com/.well-known/nodeinfo
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://epmci974.com/.well-known/nodeinfo
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://www.epmci974.com/.well-known/nodeinfo
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.

OpenID Provider Configuration

Resource Details

Resource openid-configuration
Failure StageChecking robots.txt.
Failure ReasonCouldn't connect to server.
Archive Check Archive

Scan Requests (2)

URL https://epmci974.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL https://www.epmci974.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.

Robots Exclusion Standard

Resource Details

Resource robots.txt
Failure StageFetching resource.
Failure ReasonCouldn't connect to server.
Archive Check Archive

Scan Requests (4)

URL https://epmci974.com/robots.txt
ResultFailed fetching resource - Couldn't connect to server.
URL https://www.epmci974.com/robots.txt
ResultFailed fetching resource - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://epmci974.com/robots.txt
ResultFailed fetching resource - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://www.epmci974.com/robots.txt
ResultFailed fetching resource - Couldn't connect to server.

Last Successful Scan

URL http://epmci974.com/robots.txt
Redirect https://www.epmci974.re/robots.txt
Redirect Domain www.epmci974.re
Redirect Base epmci974.re
Response IP
Found Yes - View Resource
Hash 21f9893a37e989bfc28b37e6aa4747ea0eee247266fdf69afe4a61e890426cf6
SimHash ab5cdc42661a


Resource Details

Resource security.txt
Failure StageChecking robots.txt.
Failure ReasonCouldn't connect to server.
Archive Check Archive

Scan Requests (2)

URL https://epmci974.com/.well-known/security.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL https://www.epmci974.com/.well-known/security.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.


Resource Details

Resource trust.txt
Failure StageChecking robots.txt.
Failure ReasonCouldn't connect to server.
Archive Check Archive

Scan Requests (4)

URL https://epmci974.com/.well-known/trust.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL https://www.epmci974.com/.well-known/trust.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://epmci974.com/.well-known/trust.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.
URL http://www.epmci974.com/.well-known/trust.txt
ResultFailed checking robots.txt - Couldn't connect to server.