
Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain mindflexa.com
Base Domain mindflexa.com
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-06-07T23:58:15+00:00
Next Scan 2024-06-14T23:58:15+00:00

Last Scan

URL http://mindflexa.com/ads.txt
Domain IPs
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash 37d0e830ef0dd520655a8c1309ebd9064741b78d593ece51d0c8a734310f36ee
SimHash 54c1581e6b07

Log in to view validations, the supply chain graph, sellers.json details for sellers, and the number of sites that list each direct seller as direct.

Direct Records (5)

Ad System Seller ID Cert. ID
google.com pub-1318661272776558 f08c47fec0942fa0
google.com pub-6080935446073732 f08c47fec0942fa0
google.com pub-7102873106220267 f08c47fec0942fa0
google.com pub-8831771699398612 f08c47fec0942fa0
wel-ld.com 1086 -

Reseller Records (4)

Ad System Seller ID Cert. ID
google.com pub-1318661272776558 f08c47fec0942fa0
google.com pub-6080935446073732 f08c47fec0942fa0
google.com pub-7102873106220267 f08c47fec0942fa0
google.com pub-8831771699398612 f08c47fec0942fa0