Authorized Digital Sellers data for missfashion.pl
Resource Scan
Scan Details
Site Domain | missfashion.pl |
Base Domain | missfashion.pl |
Scan Status | Ok |
Last Scan | 2025-03-08T12:22:36+00:00 |
Next Scan | 2025-03-15T12:22:36+00:00 |
Last Scan
Scanned | 2025-03-08T12:22:36+00:00 |
URL | https://missfashion.pl/ads.txt |
Redirect | https://www.missfashion.pl/ads.txt |
Redirect Domain | www.missfashion.pl |
Redirect Base | missfashion.pl |
Domain IPs | |
Redirect IPs | |
Response IP | |
Found | Yes |
Hash | e5c21e05030ceda84165274e745521a7037a32dbd8dc556f397bcea9d8d1bfd1 |
SimHash | d3cc8080efc9 |
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Direct Records (4)
Ad System | Seller ID | Cert. ID |
adtech.com | 4911 | - |
districtm.io | 101232 | - |
google.com | pub-7840457272112338 | f08c47fec0942fa0 |
smartadserver.com | 1901 | - |
Reseller Records (22)
Ad System | Seller ID | Cert. ID |
adyoulike.com | 9051b6f8cae3de4cd38c903b1fe750a0 | - |
appnexus.com | 1908 | f5ab79cb980f11d1 |
appnexus.com | 3703 | f5ab79cb980f11d1 |
appnexus.com | 7065 | - |
appnexus.com | 7944 | f5ab79cb980f11d1 |
contextweb.com | 560288 | 89ff185a4c4e857c |
coxmt.com | 2000067907202 | - |
google.com | pub-9685734445476814 | f08c47fec0942fa0 |
indexexchange.com | 175407 | 50b1c356f2c5c8fc |
indexexchange.com | 179394 | - |
openx.com | 537125356 | a698e2ec38604c6 |
openx.com | 537143344 | - |
openx.com | 537149888 | 6a698e2ec38604c6 |
pubmatic.com | 154037 | - |
pubmatic.com | 156078 | 5d62403b186f2ace |
pubmatic.com | 156377 | 5d62403b186f2ace |
pubmatic.com | 156439 | - |
rubiconproject.com | 16114 | 0bfd66d529a55807 |
rubiconproject.com | 17504 | 0bfd66d529a55807â |
smartadserver.com | 1901 | - |
smartadserver.com | 2399 | - |
sovrn.com | 257611 | fafdf38b16bf6b2b |