
Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain mikkegoes.com
Base Domain mikkegoes.com
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-06-21T03:56:22+00:00
Next Scan 2024-06-28T03:56:22+00:00

Last Scan

URL https://mikkegoes.com/ads.txt
Domain IPs
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash fe2c1cc403767a2d0a5b7dbae979bc8daf8412ad996404fc340d2b20c92704c0
SimHash c3ffd1baafd7

Log in to view validations, the supply chain graph, sellers.json details for sellers, and the number of sites that list each direct seller as direct.

Direct Records (10)

Ad System Seller ID Cert. ID
emxdgt.com 1868 1e1d41537f7cad7f
lijit.com 231887-eb fafdf38b16bf6b2b
lijit.com 277078 fafdf38b16bf6b2b
media.net 8CUWWG7OK -
media.net 8CUZ7E7H4 -
pubmatic.com 160422 5d62403b186f2ace
rubiconproject.com 19518 0bfd66d529a55807
smartadserver.com 3994 060d053dcf45cbf3
sovrn.com 277078 fafdf38b16bf6b2b
yahoo.com 58806 e1a5b5b6e3255540

Reseller Records (14)

Ad System Seller ID Cert. ID
advertising.com 28305 -
appnexus.com 1360 f5ab79cb980f11d1
contextweb.com 562541 89ff185a4c4e857c
gumgum.com 11645 ffdef49475d318a9
gumgum.com 14141 ffdef49475d318a9
media.net 8CU695QH7 -
openx.com 539924617 6a698e2ec38604c6
pubmatic.com 156700 5d62403b186f2ace
sharethrough.com 7144eb80 -
smartadserver.com 4125 -
xandr.com 13171 -
yahoo.com 59259 -
yahoo.com 59260 -
yieldmo.com 2719019867620450718 -