
Resource Scan

Scan Details

Site Domain eviltrap.com
Base Domain eviltrap.com
Scan Status Ok
Last Scan2024-06-11T20:11:02+00:00
Next Scan 2024-06-18T20:11:02+00:00

Last Scan

URL https://eviltrap.com/ads.txt
Redirect https://daily-horoscope.us/ads.txt
Redirect Domain daily-horoscope.us
Redirect Base daily-horoscope.us
Domain IPs
Redirect IPs
Response IP
Found Yes
Hash 902ecb0bbd880af6bae039b94c05e9e135de2363c67f4a7d49bb524a172ca46e
SimHash 5ad892959d88

Log in to view validations, the supply chain graph, sellers.json details for sellers, and the number of sites that list each direct seller as direct.

Direct Records (114)

Ad System Seller ID Cert. ID
33across.com 0010b00002T3JniAAF bbea06d9c4d2853c
33across.com 0010b00002VYZoUAAX bbea06d9c4d2853c
adingo.jp 23712 -
admanmedia.com 980 -
adtech.com 11544 e1a5b5b6e3255540
adtech.com 11824 e1a5b5b6e3255540
adtelligent.com 500592 -
advertising.com 28254 e1a5b5b6e3255540
advertising.com 28319 e1a5b5b6e3255540
advertising.com 28498 e1a5b5b6e3255540
amxrtb.com 105199704 -
amxrtb.com 1126 -
aol.com 54990 e1a5b5b6e3255540
appnexus.com 13701 f5ab79cb980f11d1
appnexus.com 7053 f5ab79cb980f11d1
appnexus.com 9982 f5ab79cb980f11d1
aps.amazon.com 3161 -
beachfront.com 10515 e2541279e8e2ca4d
bidmatic.io b-7a370 -
chocolateplatform.com 14941 49a66ce31a704197
connatix.com 102637 2af98acdee0e81ed
consumable.com 2000976 -
contextweb.com 562265 89ff185a4c4e857c
conversantmedia.com 100141 -
conversantmedia.com 42037 03113cd04947736d
d-sail.com ds0453 -
districtm.io 100600 -
districtm.io 101980 3fd707be9c4527c3
e-planning.net 29459e615aaa9065 c1ba615865ed87b2
facebook.com 284576831882570 -
google.com pub-0978064532142215 f08c47fec0942fa0
google.com pub-1575911585432548 f08c47fec0942fa0
google.com pub-4377140038207096 f08c47fec0942fa0
google.com pub-7130547987556188 f08c47fec0942fa0
google.com pub-9067164180551135 f08c47fec0942fa0
google.com pub-9489621755605348 f08c47fec0942fa0
gothamads.com 2416 d9c86e5dec870222
gumgum.com 11168 ffdef49475d318a9
improvedigital.com 1507 -
indexexchange.com 183734 -
indexexchange.com 184972 -
infolinks.com 3204580 -
interactiveoffers.com 1180 -
kargo.com 118 -
kubient.com 5ee7c1f7dba84 4f12311e6ed900a3
lijit.com 24906 fafdf38b16bf6b2b
lijit.com 24906-eb fafdf38b16bf6b2b
lijit.com 279736 fafdf38b16bf6b2b
lijit.com 279736-eb fafdf38b16bf6b2b
lijit.com 310770 fafdf38b16bf6b2b
lijit.com 331050 fafdf38b16bf6b2b
lijit.com 331050-eb fafdf38b16bf6b2b
liveintent.com 10111 -
liveintent.com 60079 -
media.net 8CUAF3S14 -
media.net 8CUIUMTP7 -
media.net 8CUURGY8F -
mgid.com 524540 d4c29acad76ce94f
nobid.io 21866277937 -
onetag.com 59a18369e249bfb -
onetag.com 79c9089f60042c0 -
onetag.com 79c9089f60042c0-OB -
openx.com 537121509 6a698e2ec38604c6
openx.com 537150287 6a698e2ec38604c6
openx.com 537150288 6a698e2ec38604c6
openx.com 539296300 6a698e2ec38604c6
openx.com 539808722 -
openx.com 540406323 6a698e2ec38604c6
openx.com 541177116 6a698e2ec38604c6
openx.com 543843849 6a698e2ec38604c6
opera.com pub7733135167424 55a0c5fd61378de3
outbrain.com 00f16839a2831d8412dcfb532114f025d2 -
pixfuture.com 5400 -
powerinbox.com 1428 -
pubmatic.com 157233 5d62403b186f2ace
pubmatic.com 159149 5d62403b186f2ace
rhombusads.com xuAZeLvGY 02ada6205ffe6181
rhythmone.com 1680741778 a670c89d4a324e47
rhythmone.com 2298741357 a670c89d4a324e47
rubiconproject.com 10278 0bfd66d529a55807
rubiconproject.com 18038 0bfd66d529a55807
rubiconproject.com 23564 0bfd66d529a55807
sharethrough.com 06663209 d53b998a7bd4ecd2
sharethrough.com 62beb9db d53b998a7bd4ecd2
sharethrough.com b377a47c d53b998a7bd4ecd2
shemedia.com 1232772 8dd52f825890bb44
smaato.com 1100004890 07bcf65f187117b4
smaato.com 1100037363 07bcf65f187117b4
smartadserver.com 3039 -
sonobi.com 0b24fdfc82 d1a215d9eb5aee9e
sonobi.com 8efb591506 d1a215d9eb5aee9e
sonobi.com cf4d567472 d1a215d9eb5aee9e
sovrn.com 24906 fafdf38b16bf6b2b
sovrn.com 279736 fafdf38b16bf6b2b
sovrn.com 331050 fafdf38b16bf6b2b
synacor.com 82188 e108f11b2cdf7d5b
taboola.com 1279079 c228e6794e811952
teads.tv 16560 15a9c44f6d26cbe1
telaria.com 0t5pq-x619c 1a4e959a1b50034a
themediagrid.com QDC97I 35d5010d7789b49d
themediagrid.com VBPOJA 35d5010d7789b49d
tremorhub.com 0t5pq-x619c 1a4e959a1b50034a
triplelift.com 4762 6c33edb13117fd86
triplelift.com 4762-EB 6c33edb13117fd86
undertone.com 1322 -
vdopia.com 14941 49a66ce31a704197
vidazoo.com 5da9a401e0f4560014346cc6 b6ada874b4d7d0b2
video.unrulymedia.com 1680741778 -
video.unrulymedia.com 2298741357 -
yahoo.com 54990 e1a5b5b6e3255540
yahoo.com 57139 e1a5b5b6e3255540
yahoo.com 57142 e1a5b5b6e3255540
yieldmo.com 2130559962836534709 -
yieldmo.com 2434164660547559439 -

Reseller Records (303)

Ad System Seller ID Cert. ID Comment
152media.info 152M10 - -
33across.com 0010b00002EdWnZAAV bbea06d9c4d2853c -
33across.com 0010b00002Mq2FYAAZ bbea06d9c4d2853c -
33across.com 0010b00002cGp2AAAS bbea06d9c4d2853c -
33across.com 0013300001kQj2HAAS bbea06d9c4d2853c -
33across.com 0014000001aXjnGAAS bbea06d9c4d2853c -
adform.com 1819 9f5210a2f0999e32 -
adform.com 183 - -
adform.com 2671 - -
admanmedia.com 43 - -
admanmedia.com 552 - -
admanmedia.com c1ce5a17 - Premium video demand
adtech.com 10947 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
adtech.com 11409 - -
adtiming.com a-105 bf66753b8f380142 -
advertising.com 10773 - -
advertising.com 14564 - -
advertising.com 19623 - -
advertising.com 26154 - Premium video demand
advertising.com 26154 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
advertising.com 28038 - Premium Video Demand
advertising.com 28458 - -
advertising.com 28650 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
advertising.com 3679 - -
advertising.com 3679 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
advertising.com 5831 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
advertising.com 7873 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
advertising.com 8022 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
advertising.com 8044 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
advertising.com 8603 - -
adyoulike.com b4bf4fdd9b0b915f746f6747ff432bde 4ad745ead2958bf7 -
aniview.com 58a5addb28a0612d3529bc5e 78b21b97965ec3f8 Premium video demand
aol.com 21581 - -
aol.com 49648 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
aol.com 57992 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
appnexus.com 1019 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 10239 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 10478 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 11429 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 11664 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 11786 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 11924 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 12290 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 13099 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 1356 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 1360 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 1908 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 1942 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 2234 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 2758 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 2794 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 2992 - -
appnexus.com 3153 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 3251 - -
appnexus.com 3364 - -
appnexus.com 3703 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 4052 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 7118 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 7597 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 7911 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 7944 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 8173 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 9316 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
appnexus.com 9393 f5ab79cb980f11d1 -
aralego.com par-488A3E6BD8D997D0ED8B3BD34D8BA4B - -
axonix.com 57264 - -
axonix.com 57869 - -
beachfront.com 13749 e2541279e8e2ca4d -
beachfront.com 14027 e2541279e8e2ca4d Premium Video Demand
bidmachine.io 60 - -
blis.com 86 61453ae19a4b73f4 -
contextweb.com 560288 89ff185a4c4e857c -
contextweb.com 560382 - -
contextweb.com 560606 89ff185a4c4e857c -
contextweb.com 561913 89ff185a4c4e857c -
contextweb.com 561998 89ff185a4c4e857c -
contextweb.com 562001 89ff185a4c4e857c -
contextweb.com 562145 89ff185a4c4e857c Premium Video Demand
conversantmedia.com 20923 - -
disqus.com 757 - -
districtm.io 100974 3fd707be9c4527c3 -
districtm.io 101503 - -
districtm.io 101760 3fd707be9c4527c3 -
emxdgt.com 1284 1e1d41537f7cad7f -
emxdgt.com 1643 1e1d41537f7cad7f -
emxdgt.com 1759 1e1d41537f7cad7f -
emxdgt.com 326 1e1d41537f7cad7f -
emxdgt.com 402 1e1d41537f7cad7f -
engagebdr.com 16 - -
freewheel.tv 1142945 - Premium video demand
freewheel.tv 1143393 - Premium video demand
freewheel.tv 1235183 - -
freewheel.tv 1235279 - -
freewheel.tv 302225 - -
freewheel.tv 302257 - -
freewheel.tv 33081 - -
freewheel.tv 33601 - -
freewheel.tv 399697 - -
freewheel.tv 424257 - -
freewheel.tv 424689 - -
freewheel.tv 424849 - -
freewheel.tv 434401 - -
freewheel.tv 625393 - -
freewheel.tv 741650 - -
freewheel.tv 741650 - Premium video demand
freewheel.tv 799921 - -
google.com pub-0978064532142215 f08c47fec0942fa0 -
google.com pub-1062972861553303 f08c47fec0942fa0 -
google.com pub-1789253751882305 f08c47fec0942fa0 -
google.com pub-1929615694373103 f08c47fec0942fa0 -
google.com pub-1950215063958302 f08c47fec0942fa0 -
google.com pub-2205121062140812 f08c47fec0942fa0 -
google.com pub-2928396742559401 f08c47fec0942fa0 -
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google.com pub-3960095709930134 f08c47fec0942fa0 -
google.com pub-4299156005397946 f08c47fec0942fa0 -
google.com pub-5781905551564431 f08c47fec0942fa0 -
google.com pub-6373315980741255 f08c47fec0942fa0 -
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google.com pub-8804303781641925 f08c47fec0942fa0 Premium video demand
google.com pub-9790762811057699 f08c47fec0942fa0 -
gumgum.com 11645 ffdef49475d318a9 -
gumgum.com 13926 ffdef49475d318a9 -
imds.tv 82188 ae6c32151e71f19d -
improvedigital.com 1057 - -
improvedigital.com 1175 - -
improvedigital.com 1250 - -
improvedigital.com 1577 - -
improvedigital.com 1581 - Premium video demand
improvedigital.com 1669 - -
improvedigital.com 185 - -
improvedigital.com 962 - -
indexexchange.com 183756 - -
indexexchange.com 183875 50b1c356f2c5c8fc -
indexexchange.com 184081 - -
indexexchange.com 187454 - -
indexexchange.com 188630 - -
indexexchange.com 189263 - -
indexexchange.com 189775 - -
indexexchange.com 190776 - -
indexexchange.com 190845 - -
indexexchange.com 190856 50b1c356f2c5c8fc Premium Video Demand
indexexchange.com 191503 - -
indexexchange.com 191740 50b1c356f2c5c8fc -
indexexchange.com 191973 50b1c356f2c5c8fc -
indexexchange.com 193091 50b1c356f2c5c8fc Premium video demand from Outbrain
lijit.com 260380 fafdf38b16bf6b2b -
lijit.com 273657 fafdf38b16bf6b2b -
lijit.com 273657-eb fafdf38b16bf6b2b -
lijit.com 411121 fafdf38b16bf6b2b -
lkqd.net 450 59c49fa9598a0117 -
lkqd.net 450 59c49fa9598a0117 Premium video demand
lkqd.net 602 59c49fa9598a0117 Premium Video Demand
lkqd.net 605 59c49fa9598a0117 -
loopme.com 11378 6c8d5f95897a5a3b -
loopme.com 5679 6c8d5f95897a5a3b -
nativo.com 5637 59521ca7cc5e9fee -
onetag.com 572a470226457b8 - -
onetag.com 57e618150c70d90 - Premium video demand
onetag.com 5d49f482552c9b6 - -
openx.com 537100188 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 537120563 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 537149485 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 537149888 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 537150004 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 537153564 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 538959099 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 539154393 - -
openx.com 539496816 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 539515151 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 539699341 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 539819368 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 539924617 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
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openx.com 540393169 6a698e2ec38604c6 Premium video demand
openx.com 540401713 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 540421297 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 540714804 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 541031350 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 541135108 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
openx.com 544096208 6a698e2ec38604c6 -
pokkt.com 5886 c45702d9311e25fd -
pubmatic.com 137711 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 154037 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156026 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156078 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156138 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156212 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156307 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156313 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156319 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156344 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156423 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156425 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156439 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156458 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156557 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156631 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 156700 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 157220 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 157367 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 157599 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 157897 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 158100 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 158127 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 158355 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 158615 5d62403b186f2ace Premium video & display demand
pubmatic.com 159463 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 160065 5d62403b186f2ace Premium video demand from Outbrain
pubmatic.com 161562 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 161593 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubmatic.com 60809 5d62403b186f2ace -
pubnative.net 1006576 d641df8625486a7b -
pubnative.net 1007194 d641df8625486a7b -
rhythmone.com 1059622079 a670c89d4a324e47 -
rhythmone.com 1166984029 a670c89d4a324e47 -
rhythmone.com 2439829435 a670c89d4a324e47 -
rhythmone.com 2564526802 a670c89d4a324e47 -
rhythmone.com 3611299104 a670c89d4a324e47 -
rhythmone.com 367782854 a670c89d4a324e47 Premium video demand from Outbrain
rhythmone.com 4201299756 a670c89d4a324e47 -
rhythmone.com 669070238 a670c89d4a324e47 -
rhythmone.com 78519861 a670c89d4a324e47 -
rhythmone.com 905992537 a670c89d4a324e47 -
rubiconproject.com 11006 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 11864 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 12738 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 13344 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 16114 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 16414 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 16698 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 17070 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 17130 0bfd66d529a55807 Premium video demand
rubiconproject.com 17130 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 17136 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 17632 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 17960 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 18220 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 18694 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 18890 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 19396 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 19398 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 19668 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 20322 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 21642 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 22412 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 23566 0bfd66d529a55807 -
rubiconproject.com 23644 0bfd66d529a55807 -
smaato.com 1100042823 07bcf65f187117b4 -
smaato.com 1100044045 07bcf65f187117b4 -
smaato.com 1100047713 07bcf65f187117b4 -
smartadserver.com 3039 - -
smartadserver.com 3056 - -
smartadserver.com 3563 - -
smartadserver.com 3663 - -
smartadserver.com 3820 - Premium Video Demand
smartadserver.com 4071 - -
smartyads.com 100014 - -
sonobi.com 83729e979b - -
sovrn.com 260380 fafdf38b16bf6b2b -
sovrn.com 273657 fafdf38b16bf6b2b -
sovrn.com 378732 fafdf38b16bf6b2b -
spotx.tv 126022 7842df1d2fe2db34 -
spotx.tv 136839 7842df1d2fe2db34 -
spotx.tv 211156 7842df1d2fe2db34 -
spotx.tv 238936 7842df1d2fe2db34 Premium video demand
spotx.tv 307092 7842df1d2fe2db34 -
spotx.tv 71451 - -
spotx.tv 94794 7842df1d2fe2db34 -
spotxchange.com 126022 7842df1d2fe2db34 -
spotxchange.com 136839 7842df1d2fe2db34 -
spotxchange.com 211156 7842df1d2fe2db34 -
spotxchange.com 225721 - Premium video demand
spotxchange.com 225721 7842df1d2fe2db34 -
spotxchange.com 238936 7842df1d2fe2db34 Premium Video Demand
spotxchange.com 307092 7842df1d2fe2db34 -
spotxchange.com 71451 - -
spotxchange.com 92299 7842df1d2fe2db34 -
spotxchange.com 94794 7842df1d2fe2db34 -
teads.tv 15429 15a9c44f6d26cbe1 Premium video demand
telaria.com v7cmh-l7r0s 1a4e959a1b50034a -
tremorhub.com 6uigs 1a4e959a1b50034a -
tremorhub.com cd009 1a4e959a1b50034a -
tremorhub.com q017o-78mlk 1a4e959a1b50034a Premium video demand aka "Telaria"
tremorhub.com v7cmh-l7r0s 1a4e959a1b50034a -
tremorhub.com z87wm 1a4e959a1b50034a -
triplelift.com 11656 6c33edb13117fd86 -
triplelift.com 12456 6c33edb13117fd86 -
triplelift.com 12503 6c33edb13117fd86 -
ucfunnel.com par-488A3E6BD8D997D0ED8B3BD34D8BA4B - -
vidazoo.com 1773068026 b6ada874b4d7d0b2 Premium Video Demand
video.unrulymedia.com 1166984029 - -
video.unrulymedia.com 367782854 - Premium video demand from Outbrain
video.unrulymedia.com 905992537 a670c89d4a324e47 -
vidoomy.com 5630014 - -
xad.com 240 81cbf0a75a5e0e9a -
xad.com 958 81cbf0a75a5e0e9a -
yahoo.com 55317 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
yahoo.com 55771 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
yahoo.com 57289 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
yahoo.com 57758 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
yahoo.com 57992 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
yahoo.com 58905 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
yahoo.com 59531 e1a5b5b6e3255540 -
yahoo.com 59875 - -
zeta.com 757 - -


  • playbuzz
  • infolinks
  • vidazoo
  • media.net
  • outbrain
  • sovrn
  • pixfuture START updated Mar-15-2023
  • pixfuture END updated Mar-15-2023
  • taboola
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